Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Slam Poetry Activity

Only 1.3 miles
Please take us
I speak for everyone when I say this

Stop gazing into the mirror
ignoring all 28
jagged, crooked, chipped

Like an overcrowded parking lot
cars parked every which way
sideways, parallel, but never straight

We send signals
through the nerves to your brain
but you still ignore us

Please take us
Like a field trip for a class of 28
drilling, filling, bracing

Indy Teach Poem

Sitting at the table,
Where everyone knows each other.
Just taking in the moment and breathing air,
Thinking about your so called perfect life.
The thought is gargantuan like heavy night.
I think about where I come from,
I am from scary monsters under my bed.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Emotion Poem

Angry that I am turning into my mom
Angry that I have to watch my parents get older
Angry that I am broke
Angry that I have worked so hard and have nothing to show
Angry when people use the "N" word
Angry nobody cares
Angry that I haven't won the lottery
Angry that I can't find a better job
Angry that I drink so much
Angry that my roommate can eat whatever she wants
Angry that I haven't had a carb. in two months
Angry that I have to grow up
Angry that people expect me to get married and have kids
Angry that I don't keep in touch
Angry that I am not always right
Angry that I am angry all the time

For the indy teach poem, I used lines 1, 2, 4, 5, 9

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dear Michelle,

Hey! So this weekend was crazy. My roomie turned 21 so friday we had a party at our place. There was definitely a lot of cupid shuffle and soulja boy going on. The people below us were like really not happy with us. Anyways, I ended up sleeping on our dining room floor which makes me mad because I was at my own house! Saturday the festivities continued we all went to the fashion show and then downtown. We went to Monaco Bay first which I love and Amelia had to get on stage for her birthday, but instead of them singing to her, she had to dance to the booty queen with a tamberine for over 2 minutes. Needless to say it is now on youtube. So at this point I really should have gone home but then we went to Wild Bull. My little sister used my Id to get in so it was a lot of fun. I think I am still bruised from riding the bull. I always am like, I am not riding the bull but then I get drunk and before you know it I am buying an all night pass. The best part of the night was that the cad driver took us through mcdonalds for some double cheeses' and then home. We carrieed amelia in and then I think I got sick and again, passed out in the hall instead of my bed. So that is what I did this weekend. Don't worry--my dog was asleep for all of this :)

Self Portrait

Hairspray, pick, comb
Our hair made us three inches taller.

Mom always taking the picture instead of posing,
She was the one who did this to us--made us look like her.

I hated my dress, pink and girly, but not more than my hair
I planned on playing with the boys anyway.

Courtney cut out her shoulder pads, I tried to change, and we whined for hours,
But when it was time for the picture we humored my mom and held hands.

Our hair made us three inches taller,
But I look more like my mom everyday anyhow.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Then and Now

Me and my little sister!! Such 80's hair, our mom did this to us :)

Found Poetry Project

My words were: tradition, runners, pasta, tea, shame, sobriety
I got this from an article from people magazine. Apparently, Katie Cruise was preparing to run a marathon, but before it, instead of only training and eating pasta, she was throwing a tea party for baby Suri.

My Thanksgiving tradition
Racing, running, competing
All before dinner
Weeks of only pasta
Such a shame I can't feast just yet
Racing post biggest bar night of the year
Keeps me sober
No wine, sangrias, draft beer
maybe tea

Monday, November 5, 2007


Oh, no! It is coming. Scraping off my windshiled, bundling up, staticy hair, and chapped lips. Dreaded winter. There are really only two positive things that I can think of for this particular season--the anticipation of a snow day and my birthday. But really just the thought of a snow day has in fact saved me. Here's to the hours of local news watching during the early morning hours that have kept me sane. Waiting for Kalamazoo County's turn to scroll across the bottom of the screen, hoping that a commercial break does not bring it back to the "A's". Here it comes...Western Michigan University is no where to be found. Did I miss it? Oh, well. So I go back to bed--there's always tommorrow.

Release the Fury...

There are so many things that outrages me; people who don't use blinkers, how Gaby and Carlos are still not back together on Desperate Housewives, but lately I have been struggling with much larger issues. The fact that there is even a vote for whether or not gay marriage should be allowed really pisses me off. Who am I to say if two people of the same sex can get married? We are in an era where more people vote for American Idol than for the President of the United States and you are gonna tell me that two people who love each other cannot be legally bound? It isn't like heterosexual marriages are so great--half end up divorced! I am one of them! A lot of the people who are against gay marriage are against it for religious reasons, which I find really ironic. Aren't we not suppose to be judging? I thought that was God's job--if they were so religious then they would leave this to Him.