Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Computer time in High School...

Well, we didn't have "computer time," but we did sometimes get to go to the library if we had group projects or papers we needed to use computers for. Mostly in my english classes or my business management class is when we needed the computers. Usually, this meant free time for me, though. I either was going to use my computer at home to finish my work or I had already done so. So I would go onto my email and write people back for the most part. Thankfully, facebook and myspace were not around so I didn't have that to occupy my time. We would be sitting at computers next to each other and would find something cool and then tell the person next to us about it and so on.

Technology in Classrooms...

Technology has helped education but it has also hindered my educational experience, personally. Let's talk about powerpoint. It could be a really great way for teachers to show pictures or diagrams. But I have found that every teacher who I have had who used it, predominately in college, reads directly off of the powerpoint slide. They may as well have given us copies of their presentations and sent us home. In fact, these are the classes I do not attend. Try listening to an excercise physiology lecture for two hours where the professor is just reading off of the slides. Yeah, it sucked. I think that even though technology has helped us, it has also gotten some teachers off of the hook of actually teaching. It has really promoted more of a teacher centered atmosphere than anything and has gotten students to zone out. However, there are times where technology can be a great thing to draw students in to the lesson. I love watching videos in class or looking at web pages on an overhead that someone has created.Technology has also given the students a window of opportunity to be more creative during projects, etc. I would have to say though that I could do without powerpoint!

Peace Out

Well, thankfully semester is about to come to an end. It has been a long one but I did enjoy this class at least. So far, being an English minor, I haven't found too many classes I have taken so far for it very helpful to me as a teacher. But I would have to say that I will take a lot of the ideas from the group and indy. teaches and the texts we had for this class into the classroom with me. I would like to give a shout out to my homies, group 2, and jen B. Group 2, there will be a jurassic park screening next week at my place, be there! And to Michele and Jen, the gang will still meet regularly :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Some good quotes...

"Experience is the worst teacher; it gives the test before presenting the lesson."

"They may forget what you said, But they will never forget how you made them feel."

"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove . . . . but the world maybe different because I was important in the life of a child."

"Friendship is like peeing your pants,everyone can see it,But only you can feel the true warmth."

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Slam Poetry Activity

Only 1.3 miles
Please take us
I speak for everyone when I say this

Stop gazing into the mirror
ignoring all 28
jagged, crooked, chipped

Like an overcrowded parking lot
cars parked every which way
sideways, parallel, but never straight

We send signals
through the nerves to your brain
but you still ignore us

Please take us
Like a field trip for a class of 28
drilling, filling, bracing

Indy Teach Poem

Sitting at the table,
Where everyone knows each other.
Just taking in the moment and breathing air,
Thinking about your so called perfect life.
The thought is gargantuan like heavy night.
I think about where I come from,
I am from scary monsters under my bed.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Emotion Poem

Angry that I am turning into my mom
Angry that I have to watch my parents get older
Angry that I am broke
Angry that I have worked so hard and have nothing to show
Angry when people use the "N" word
Angry nobody cares
Angry that I haven't won the lottery
Angry that I can't find a better job
Angry that I drink so much
Angry that my roommate can eat whatever she wants
Angry that I haven't had a carb. in two months
Angry that I have to grow up
Angry that people expect me to get married and have kids
Angry that I don't keep in touch
Angry that I am not always right
Angry that I am angry all the time

For the indy teach poem, I used lines 1, 2, 4, 5, 9