Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I am From...

I am from tall cornfields, bonfires,
and home cooked meals.
I am from a town with friendly faces, farms,
and is traveled to in pick up trucks down dirt roads.

I am from large backyards with ponds, barbeques, and bug spray.
I am from fishing with my sister,
and the smell of the pig farm across the street.

I am from BP slushies and gas station pizza,
I am from chicken hanies, Knapps' burgers, and late night Taco Bell runs.
I am from kegs of beer that never end, and even the annual beer tent.

I am from Television parents.
Salute your Shorts, Wild and Crazy Kids, Hey Dude.
I am from Stick Stickly,
P.O. Box 163, New York City, New York State, 10108.

I can still hear "Don't knock it til you try it" and
Kenny Chesney blaring from trucks in the school parking lot.
I am from puking rally, and closed shops during football games.
I am from this place, movie quotes, sports, MIP's, family, friends, and great food,
Where everyone thinks we are better than you.


Matt Connor said...

I like your I am From... poem it has a personal nature to it that is your own. I can relate to a lot of the images that you selected and brings a lot of memories to mind.

ruggermichigan3 said...

I like your use of things that relate to the small town that you enjoy have good memories. A close knit community.

Michelle Randall said...

I like your poem because of the reality in it. You don’t sugar coat anything. You speak of your home town as honest and as exactly how you remember it. The pride that you have in your home town shows bright in this poem.

Shannon said...


I love the specific details and imagery. The addition of a P.O. Box address, the Kenny Chesney music, and even the last line. I feel like I know a bit more about you from your poem. Thanks for sharing this in class.