Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Rough Outline of Indy Teach...

Main Ideas/Title: (Fires in the Bathroom)
This book is co-authored by students in an attempt to give advice to their high school teachers. In my lesson, we will examine ways that teachers can make school relate to each one of their students to promote success.

Special attention will be given to how to get to know your students well, classroom behavior, and creating a culture of success. We will also be putting ourselves in the positions of the students because thinking back to our own experiences can help us, as teachers, identify with what the students may be going through. Throughout the lesson, we will be looking at quotes from the co-authors of the book to get an understanding of the mentality of a high school student.

Essential Questions:

What signals can I send as a teacher to get them to know that I expect them to do well?

Is it better to be liked or respected?

How do we make high school something done by kids instead of something done to kids?

At the beginning of the lesson, each person in class is going to fill out a questionaire suggested by the text, simulating the first day of a class, and then examine what is good or bad about it, and what a teacher could benefit from doing this activity with a class. After the discussion on creating a culture of success, each person in class will fill out another form describing a situation where they did not understand something. They will go through different questions about the situation, and then we will discuss how this will help us better understand and help our students. At the end of the lesson, we will talk about any disagreements from the book and problems that could arise from taking advice from our students. (all forms in lesson plan)

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