Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Me, Myself, and I...

Well, most everyone knows that I am a physical education major, not English. But it really is for good reason. I originally planned on going to Michigan and into the medical field. Heart problems run in my family; a male has never lived over the age of fifty on my dad's side of the family. We also have weight issues. So I thought that going into pre-med made sense, until I decided that I would rather try to prevent the problems than treat people after they have been diagnosed. I also decided during this time that I would rather be around kids for most of my day. Physical education is so important to me and really hits a little too close to home. I am definitely the anti-dodge ball, fitness oriented person now. It's been tough though, most people think that it is a useless major that I picked to skim by. But I could tell you every muscle and bone in the body, what they do, and their relationship to the most relative joint. So Ha! :)

Some stuff people may not know about me is that I am a neat freak. Most people don't think so until they live with me because of the way I present myself most times; sweats and a hoodie. But I am always cleaning up. I also LOVE holidays--I decorate like months in advance. And despite what Michelle has said, I actually do love animals. I will admit that I am no dog whisperer though. Personally, I am divorced. I know, crazy, right? But now that I am single, I go to the bar....A LOT. Tonight, Wild Bull and every Thursday Monaco Bay, etc. I am really addicted to Harry Potter. Seriously, I could reference almost anything anyone says back to Harry Potter. It is sad, but after I read it, I had like hours of conversation about the political messages in it with my boyfriend. So there's just a little bit about me that maybe people didn't know before.


Chris Kato. said...
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Chris Kato. said...

Thanks for baring your soul, Ashley!

Harry Potter rulezz.

Shannon said...


Your blog is looking great and it's fun getting to know more about you. I am glad to hear you are not a "dodge ball" nazi. haha. Gym was my least favorite class when I was in school, but I think it is so important now. I know you'll be a great physical education (and English) teacher :)