Monday, November 5, 2007

Release the Fury...

There are so many things that outrages me; people who don't use blinkers, how Gaby and Carlos are still not back together on Desperate Housewives, but lately I have been struggling with much larger issues. The fact that there is even a vote for whether or not gay marriage should be allowed really pisses me off. Who am I to say if two people of the same sex can get married? We are in an era where more people vote for American Idol than for the President of the United States and you are gonna tell me that two people who love each other cannot be legally bound? It isn't like heterosexual marriages are so great--half end up divorced! I am one of them! A lot of the people who are against gay marriage are against it for religious reasons, which I find really ironic. Aren't we not suppose to be judging? I thought that was God's job--if they were so religious then they would leave this to Him.


Michelle Randall said...

Hum...I wonder if I am reading this correctly...are you saying that you once were married? That's all I really got from your blogg. Lol I am just nosey! I agree that Gaby and Carlos need to get back together, espically after the great lengths they have been going through to sneak around. I also hate when people don't use their blinkers, but more so on the highway than any other time.

Amanda Valley said...

I completely agree with you. It isn't ours, or anyone's right to say whether or not two people can live "Happily Ever After". Who are we to take away our own citizens'rights?!